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Is AcroXeR free?
All of AcroXeR service is free. However, if such service is provided by the certain medical institutions(or groups) for the act of medical treatment(or similar), the official user(or service) agreement must be signed to it.
Do not own a XR device?
AcroXer service doesn't require XR(including VR and AR) devices. However, it is recommended for the high quality remote collaborative diagnosis and the realistic training experiecnes. Some features may run optimally only on XR devices.
All the service applications will run separately on each platform device(PC, XR device, Mobile phone, Tablet, etc.).
Is it mandatory to make an account?
To use AcroXer service, an account must be created and logged in. There is no hidden cost in creating and logging into the account. Get started right away!
Why online environment?
AcroXeR is constantly updating the data to maximize the customer experience. In order to receive the up-to-date information the service must be online.

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